Subscribed Database

Subscribed Databases

Note: Please for access to all those subscribed resources where you are required to "Ask the Librarian" for login credentials (Username/Password), contact the Librarian through the emails:, or, or visit the Library in person.

S/N Name Subscribed Database Username/Password
1 Research4life General Discipline Ask the Librarian
2 MyMUSE General Discipline Ask the Librarian
3 Springer Scientific documents from journals, books, series, protocols, reference works and proceedings. Ask the Librarian
4 ProQuest For all Disciplines Ask the Librarian
5 MIT Open Courseware: Unlocking Knowledge MIT OpenCourseWare (OCW) is a web-based publication of virtually all MIT course content. OCW is open and available Ask the Librarian
6 JSTOR Multidisciplinary science Ask the Librarian
7 Science Direct For all Disciplines Ask the Librarian
8 IEEE Advanced Technology Engineering and related areas Ask the Librarian
9 BMJ Publishing Group Contained peer-reviewed journals focusing on biomedical research Ask the Librarian
10 Emerald Publishing Emerald Publishing was founded in 1967 to champion new ideas that would advance the research and practice of business and management. Today, we continue to nurture fresh thinking in applied fields where we feel we can make a real difference, now also including health and social care, education and engineering. Ask the Librarian
11 Hathitrust HathiTrust Digital Library is a large-scale collaborative repository of digital content from research libraries including content digitized via the Google Books project and Internet Archive digitization initiatives, as well as content digitized locally by libraries Ask the Librarian
12 AJOL Database of journals in Africa, covering the full range of Academic disciplines Ask the Librarian